八颗星Everything I looked for.And more. 像一首恢弘的史诗又像一首循环往复的长歌舞台的布局和台词都太过于惊喜历史剧的可贵之处就是传达一种“一切都会过去”的精神不管你曾经多么辉煌闪亮都难以谕人失败了也别想别人同情最喜欢Bobbi他的角色在剧中一直成长那场连着下了几个月的大雨那场一直跳到呼吸停止的扭扭舞传奇而又梦幻和《妙探双娇 电影》有几分神似果然看到好看的东西好像又多了几分对生活的希望和期待
女主角的回忆录I THINK VERY few people who aren’t athletes or members of the military themselves can truly grasp what I went through to transform myself to star in G.I. Jane. It is the film I am most proud of, because it was the hardest for me to make—emotionally, physically, and mentally